

最後更新日期 : 2023-08-07











教師:林美良 助理教授





Office hour : (四)13:00~17:00


[1]Lin, Mei-liang (2017).  An Investigation of Parental Factors to Extensive Reading in EFL in Taiwan.  Ming Chi Journal of General Education, 5, 61-82.

[2]Cowan, P. & Lin, M. L. (2014). Taiwanese Learners’ Motivation and Attitude Towards Completing an Online Distance Education Course During a One Year Industrial Placement. Sino-US English Teaching, 11(7), 477-494.

[3]Lin, Mei-liang (2009). The Relation of Gender, Major and Proficiency to Language Learning Strategy Preferences among Technological University Freshmen.  Ming Chi University of Technology Journal, 41(1), 73-86.


[1] Lin, M. L. ;Liu, J. J. &L.iu, H. C. (2017), "The Use of Written Text Analysis in Story Reading Class." Paper presented at the 26th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching. Taipei, Taiwan, November 10-12, 2017.

[2] Lin, Mei-liang (2017). Application of Text Analysis in an English Reading Course. 明志科技大學第五屆通識教育學術研討會«人文與教學», April 2017, 1-22頁。

[3] Lin, Mei-liang (2014). E-learning Language Course Design and Evaluation. 明志科技大學第二屆通教育學術研討會«人文與教學», April 2014, 177-225頁。

[4] Liu, H. C.; Liu, J. J. & Lin, M. L.(2014), "Investigating the Effectiveness of Cooperative Strategy-Based Instruction in a Reading Program–A Case Study of Weekend Students at LHU."  Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching,(pp. 294-304). Taipei, Taiwan, November 14-16, 2014.

[5] Lin, Mei-liang (2014). The Effect of Parental Factors upon Extensive Reading in the EFL environment in Taiwan. 2013吳鳳科技大學通識教育學術研討會論文集, Jan 2014, 289-334頁。

[6] Lin, Mei-liang (2012),“Students’ motivation and attitudes in an online distance English course for placement year undergraduates in Taiwan.”  Proceedings of the 15th International CALL Research Conference: the Medium Matters (pp. 430 -442).  Taipei, Taiwan, 2012.

[7] Lin, Mei-liang (2011),“Investigating students' attitude and motivation in an online distance course.”  Paper Presented at the 45th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, Brighton, UK, April 15-19, 2011.

[8] Lin, Mei-liang (2010), “Students' learning attitude and motivation in an online distance language course: preliminary findings.”  Paper presented at the 19th International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei, Taiwan, November 12-14, 2010.

[9] Lin, Mei-liang (2010), “Use of video to support students’ reading comprehension.”  Paper presented at the QUB UCD Inaugural All Ireland Conference for Doctoral Researchers in Education 2010, Belfast, UK, May 21, 2010.

[10] Lin, Mei-liang (2009), “Online course design: use of video to support reading.”  Workshop presented at the 2009 Online Teaching Consortium and Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, November 24, 2009.

[11] Lin, Mei-liang (2009), “Students’ Language Learning Attitudes and Experiences in a Distance English Language Learning Course for Placement Year Undergraduates at a University of Technology in Taiwan,” Presented at the QUB UCD Inaugural All Ireland Conference for Doctoral Researchers in Education 2009, Dublin, Ireland, May 8-9, 2009.


Lin, Mei-liang (2012). Students’ Motivation and Attitudes in an Online Distance English Course for Placement Year Undergraduates in Taiwan. Unpublished EdD dissertation, Queen’s University Belfast, UK.




[2] 九十五年度教育部提升技專校院學生外語能力專案補助計畫:明志科技大學外語能力深耕計畫:基礎英語能力的強化

[3] 九十三年度技專校院「提升學生外語能力」專案補助計畫:明志技術學院英語能力檢測:評量與補救


[1] 明志科技大學105學年度泰崗教學師鐸獎(102104105年度獲優良教師教學獎)

[2] 教育部獎助私立技專校院選送教師國外進修學位(2007-2009)

[3] SIUC International Scholar Service 獎學金(1997, USA)


[1]106年度 教育部跨領域設計人才培育計畫-教師實務工作坊

[2]105年度 教育部北區英語教學資源中心ESP系列專業英語教師增能

[3]104年度 教育部北區英語教學資源中心創新教學法系列

[4]103年度 23屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會

[5]102年度 吳鳳科技大學通識教育學術研討會

[6]101年度 15屆國際電腦輔助教學研究學術研討會

[7] 101年度 教育部北區英語教學資源中心主辦之[ESP系列活動 (1)(3)]

[8]100年度 45屆國際英語文外語教學學術研討會暨書展 (英國)

[9] 99年度 19屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會暨書展

[10] 99年度 教育部大專院校數位學習推廣與數位學習跨校合作計畫之線上助教研習工作坊

[11]98年度 43屆國際英語文外語教學學術研討會暨書展 (英國)

[12]98年度 愛爾蘭研究生教育研討會 (愛爾蘭)

[13]95年度 10屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會

[14]95年度 政治大學公企中心第14期問卷資料分析與SPSS應用課程

[15]95年度 政治大學公企中心第14期問卷設計課程

[16]94年度 國際應用英語教學研討會

[17]94年度 跨文化國際研究研討會-當東方遇見西方

[18]93年度 網路英語教學國際研討會

[19]93年度 教育部數位訓練規劃師人才培育課程

[20]92年度 教育資訊國際研討會

[21]92年度 LTTC電腦輔助教學會議
